
Acne is a complex, chronic inflammatory skin condition, which can vary in terms of the age of onset in both men and women.
It involves the hair follicles and glands and can manifest on the face, neck, shoulders, chest and back and is characterized by comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), as well as spots (pustules). Although common in younger people (adolescents), it can develop for first time sufferers in their twenties, or thirties. The oil-producing glands of acne sufferers are particularly sensitive to certain normal blood levels of hormones in both men and women, which trigger excessive oil production, with dead skin cells within the pores being shed more slowly, leading to congestion, which can cause blackheads and whiteheads. Additionally, the acne bacterium (Propionibacterium acnes) lives on everyone’s skin, usually without any problems, but in those prone to acne, the build-up of oil creates a perfect environment for the bacteria to multiply which leads to inflammation and for blemishes to develop-Acne may also be associated with hormonal changes.
At Anna Baker Aesthetics, we can help to manage and improve many of these symptoms, with treatments ranging from exfoliating treatments in-clinic, such as chemical peels, supplemented by specifically formulated home care products to tackle signs of congestion, and roughness, with antibacterial properties. To attempt to tackle as many of the underlying causes and symptoms as possible, we often recommend a combination course of LED phototherapy treatments (Flex) from the award wining Dermalux technologies as a highly effective combination treatment, which delivers clinically proven wavelengths, such as blue light which tackles bacteria, whilst soothing problematic skin, and red and near infrared light for it’s advanced rejuvenation and calming properties for skin.
A full consultation and assessment/skin analysis is recommended to determine the most appropriate course of treatment.
Consultation fee: £50 redeemable against products or treatments
Useful evidence based resources below which also outline support services available
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